Plastic Surgery Blog | Plano, TX

Explore blog posts directly from the team at Derrick Plastic Surgery in Plano, TX.

Breastfeeding and Breast Augmentations

Dr. Chase Derrick12/10/2024

Dr. Chase Derrick of Plano, TX discusses the impact of breast implants placed through breast augmentation surgery and how it can affect breast feeding


Scar Management After Plastic Surgery: Tips on How to Maintain the Best Results

Dr. Chase Derrick11/20/2024

Dr. Chase Derrick discusses how to achieve the best results after your plastic surgery procedure including how scares are formed and treated.


Accessory Breast Tissue: Extra Nipples & Breast Tissue Definitely Happen

Dr. Chase Derrick11/05/2024

Dr. Chase Derrick of Plano, TX discusses different types of accessory, or extra breast tissue, where it can occur, and options to treat.


What to Expect After a Breast Lift Procedure (With or Without Implants)

Dr. Chase Derrick10/28/2024

Dr. Chase Derrick of Plano, TX and Anna, TX discusses what you can expect after a breast lift procedure, commonly included in a mommy makeover.


Muscle Repair in Tummy Tucks (Diastasis Recti Repair)

Dr. Chase Derrick10/19/2024

Dr. Chase Derrick discusses muscle repair from diastases recti in tummy tucks or abdominoplasties.


Liposuction to Axillas? What is it? And why is it so popular?

Dr. Chase Derrick10/18/2024

Dr. Chase Derrick, board-certified plastic surgeon, discusses liposuction to the armpit area and how it can be beneficial for some patients.


Elective Breast Procedures & Breast Cancer Screening Prior to Surgery

Dr. Chase Derrick10/10/2024

Dr. Chase Derrick of Plano, Texas discusses why it is important to undergo breast cancer screenings prior to an elective breast procedure.


Plastic Surgery Procedures & Long Acting Pain Medication? Yes, Please!

Dr. Chase Derrick10/07/2024

Dr. Chase Derrick of Plano and North TX discusses an options for long term pain control after cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery procedures.


Lipo, Liposuction, & Fat Grafting: All the Craze at the Office Lately

Dr. Chase Derrick10/06/2024

Dr. Chase Derrick of Plano, Texas discusses liposuction on its own as well as added to popular procedures. He also discusses fat grafting.


Mommy Makeover Recovery: What's it really like?

Dr. Chase Derrick09/29/2024

Dr. Chase Derrick of Derrick Plastic Surgery discusses what to expect after a mommy makeover procedure, which is fully customized for each patient.


Common Plastic Surgery Procedures Explained By Dr. Chase Derrick

Dr. Chase Derrick09/18/2024

Dr. Chase Derrick of Plano, TX discusses different plastic surgery procedures-why they may be requested, and the goal for each plastics procedure.


Uneven Breasts: It's Incredibly Common! What are the Options?

Dr. Chase Derrick09/17/2024

Dr. Chase Derrick discusses the reasons why breasts can be uneven as well as different non-surgical and surgical options that are available.


Tummy Tucks: What are the different types?

Dr. Chase Derrick08/28/2024

Dr. Chase Derrick discusses the different tummy tuck options including the mini tummy tuck, full tummy tuck, and other tummy tuck options.


Let's Face It: Facelifts Work

Dr. Chase Derrick08/23/2024

Dr. Chase Derrick discusses facelifts and how they have changed since inception. Dr. Derrick details the different types such as a mini facelift.


Skincare Basics-Glowing Skin is Possible and Obtainable

Dr. Chase Derrick08/23/2024

Dr. Chase Derrick discusses some of the skincare basics describing what each step of the process includes and looks like to obtain glowing skin.


Botox-Jeuveau-Dysport: The Neuromodulators! How often should you inject?

Dr. Chase Derrick07/31/2024

How much is too much? How often should you inject Botox and other neuromodulators to not have an adverse effect?


Enhancing Breast Augmentation: Nipple Reduction

Dr. Chase Derrick06/27/2024

Reduction of prominent nipples is a popular procedure typically combined with breast augmentation to help achieve the results you are seeking.


Blepharoplasty–The Newest Craze in Plastic Surgery (but is an oldie!)

Dr. Chase Derrick06/25/2024

Everyone is talking about blepharoplasty surgery, or eyelid surgery. This plastic surgery procedure creates a more youthful, bright eyed look.


Lip Lifts-A Little Extra UMPH Anyone?

Dr. Chase Derrick06/23/2024

Dr. Chase Derrick talks about lip lifts, a newer procedures that is increasing in popularity in the Plano, TX and North Texas area.


Fat Transfer aka Fat Grafting in Plastic Surgery in Plano, TX

Dr. Chase Derrick06/13/2024

Fat Transfer aka Fat Grafting in Plastic Surgery. Dr Chase Derrick discusses the procedure, why it can be done, and the outcomes.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.